Do you ever encounter situations when you feel strongly about how you believe a project should be planned, carried out, or completed? I would like to introduce you to my Top 10 Tips on how to Negotiate your way to success…Keep reading my friend!

Do you sometimes feel annoyed that the others involved don’t see the situation the same as you do?




Let\’s first talk about Negotiation and its origin. The phrase \”negotiation\” is commonly associated with a \”either/or\” situation. To put it another way, for one side to win, the other must lose. But, negotiating does not have to be a hostile activity.

When the parties work together to resolve their issues, they have a successful relationship. And of course leaders will achieve better results if they collaborate, side by side, to meet their common and divergent interests.

So, how do you define a successful outcome? You will want to ask yourself a few questions-


– Meets both your and their interests?
– Is it preferable to our alternatives?
– Is the greatest alternative available?
– Does it appear fair and legitimate?
– Does it include specific, measurable operational promises?
– Do you address both sides\’ emotional needs for recognition, autonomy, status, and affiliation?


Where do exceptional negotiation skills come in handy?

Regardless of the profession you choose, there will be occasions when you must negotiate. Learning this important ability can also help you in your personal interactions.

My top tips for negotiating a situation to get the results you want:

Tip 1: Know your material.

Avoid lengthy discussions about issues and situations about which you are not yet knowledgeable. Make sure you understand the intricacies of the situation in advance of any upcoming interactions or tasks. In negotiations, preparation is your best friend!

Tip 2: Listen. Keep an open mind to what the other person has to say.

We\’ve all had the experience of rushing in and insisting on what we want, only to find out afterwards that it\’s quite similar to what the other person wants (we just didn\’t realize it, since we were not listening).




Tip 3: Find areas of agreement.

With luck, you\’ll just disagree on one or two small topics. Make a list of where you concur and where you differ. This will highlight how much negotiating will be essential and how much you will agree to.

Tip 4: Talk about the issue at hand first.

Avoid discussing solutions until you both see the matter in the same way. You must be on the same page regarding the problem before you can be on the same page about the solution.

Tip 5: Keep your emotions out of it.

Consider the situation as a business. Remain objective at all times. Stay calm.

Tip 6:: Avoid intimidating behaviors and manipulative comments.

When you resort to unethical tactics to get your way, you lose credibility with the person you\’re negotiating with. They will then cease listening to you.

Tip 7: Be honest and use integrity.

If you suddenly discover you misunderstood a component of the challenge or their recommended solution, say so. Keep your promise and acknowledge the other person.

Tip 8: Ask for the other person’s ideas.

Solicit their advice on how to handle the matter. Pay close attention and be prepared to put some or all of what you hear into action.

Tip 9: Remind yourself that you’re on the same side.

After all, you both want to resolve the issue. If you focus on finding common threads, that will help.




Tip 10: State your ideas for a solution.

Make your case as well; explain why you believe this is the best way. For example, you could remark, \”Rather than making in-person follow-up visits to new clients once per week, I think it\’s a better idea to do them monthly and follow up by phone on the weekends.\”

  • To make your case in this example, you may follow up by saying, “This way, we’ve got time during the off-weeks to develop new customers. We’ll widen our customer base while keeping in contact with customers we already have.”
  • Show flexibility. You’re two separate people with two different sets of ideas and perspectives about the issue. Avoid expecting to get your way 100%.

Learning to apply realistic negotiation skills will assist you in achieving any goals that involve others. Listen skillfully, remain non-emotional, find places of agreement, convey your opinions honestly, and be flexible when interacting with people.

Then use your new superb negotiation abilities to obtain what you desire!


Final Thoughts:

What are you currently going through at work that you want to negotiate? Share with us in the comment below and which top tip on how to negotiate your way to success above was helpful!